Monday 28 February 2011


So Friday evening, debating what my plans were for the evening-- which mainly consisted of exploring new culinary flavors using left over alcohol which can no longer be used to drink. I sit down waiting for George to get on skype so I can hear about his work trip to York.

7:30 rolls around and I am getting excited. Danielle just left for a CU meeting and I hear a knock on my door. I was confused as to why Danielle was back already... I "mhm'ed" to the person at the door to come in. The door swings open and George is at  the door. I was ridiculously confused and surprised... my first thought being... "Wait... you are not Danielle!" Second though being, "OMGOSH YOU ARE HERE!!!!"

So my hopes of finally getting my paper 99.9% complete this weekend were pushed out the door while George stepped in.

Since I had yet to do my grocery shopping george and I ordered a HUGE pizza and watched the Yogi Bear movie, which was unexpectedly very cute.

On to my Culinary explorations:
I cooked Chicken in a Cider and Rose sauce.
Sealed the chicken in butter.
Sauteed Onions and Mushrooms in butter,
Poured the left over Cider and Rose and a Packet of malt vinegar (tbsp) into the saucepan with onions and mushroom.
Brought to a boil, Added 1/2 tbsp of cream.
Added Chicken,
Let simmer for a while.
Added a tbsp of sugar.

One thing I would do differently is probably marinate the chicken a bit more. And put more sugar in the sauce to begin with (before chicken was added) and then reduce the sauce more to a glaze.

At some point I will be doing a White Wine Cream sauce with Chicken.
And Red wine balsamic reduction on Lamb.

Starting on my other paper this week. As well as going out for Chinese food tomorrow to socialize with the rest of riding club. Oxford on Wednesday! Countdown to budapest is 3 weeks!!! AH!

Love you all!
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