Wednesday 2 February 2011

Classes have Commenced

A bunch of my flatmates (british for people who share a bathroom, shower, and kitchen with you) were going out on Sunday night, and as I had a 9am class with a one hour commute to get there I opted out.

I get to my class perfectly on time. My friends and sit down and wait..... but nothing, 30 minutes pass and there was not an old british man with a doctorate anywhere in sight. People started to clear out because they assumed that the Lecturer was a no--show.  We all cleared out and decided to walk around the city for a bit before heading back to our rooms.

As it turned out there was a mistake on the timetable and the class was not supposed to start until Friday. So I just will have to wait until Friday to learn about Marine Molecular Biology :)

So Tuesday marked the start of classes, with Coastal and Estuarine Studies. This time a different old British man with the doctorate did show up.  We chatted about water samples and methods, all very stimulating-- kinda?

Because I have no classes on Wednesdays, instead of being lame and staying in all evening, a few of us Americans decided to go out with one of my Flatmates and her friends.

So after a few hours of being packed like sardines in this club and breathing air similar to what a  burning house would consist of, we decided it was best to make our way back to the halls.
Sat for a while in Jennie's room playing the game "British/American Language Difference" Was told to be quiet by a few different other flatmates, and then eventually stumbled to bed around 3am, and tried to fall asleep to the birds chirping away outside.

Over all a very good night!
Follow me, Comment, love! :)

1 comment:

  1. Being told to be "quite" is quite British. They are quite right,most of the time, and quite jolly sometimes. Always quite something, they are they are.
