Wednesday 23 February 2011

Yeeeehaww! Oh wait... wrong country... Giddeeup?

So the other day I came to a decision.
If I were to be any kind of tree it would be a cherry blossom tree. Now I know it has taken me quite a few years to come to this conclusion (sorry Eric) but I was on the bus the other day and every day we pass this gorgeous cherry blossom tree in someone's yard and it hit me -- not literally-- if I were any tree it would be a cherry blossom.

Now as I am sure most of you are wondering "what the heck is this crazy lady talking about?' Well I have many reasons for wanting to be a cherry blossom here they are:
1) My favorite (favourite) food is sushi and they are native to japan.
2) They are pink and pretty and smell nice
3) they line my entire street back home.
4) They remind me of D.C.
5) One of my most favorite days ever involved the Cherry Blossom Festival.
6) and my best reason so far: I am a ginger aka red hair aka ALMOST pink... meaning we were ment to be.

Ok So enough of that: Today I went horseback riding. First time I had lessons in over a year!! My legs are hating me right now. The girls I went riding with were very nice but the lesson was quite a hassle. The first horse I was on apparently associates music with bucking and misbehaving so of course because we had a double lesson with children, they played music. Great! Louie -- i believe the name was-- he first spooked out a bit. Fine what ever, then he started half bucking and "dancing" and generally misbehaving. So I swapped horses. During this time Louie spooked again reared and landed right on my foot, YAY! not.  Jenna was a sweet little thing, lazy as EVER! I could barely get her to walk from a halt let alone trot and canter. I eventually got her going. But those ponies gave me quite the work out, i am absolutely exhausted!!!!! But can't wait to go again!

I got 1200 words done for my first paper! Just need to finish it up, edit, reference and viola! Then Next week my second paper-- just start poppin these puppies out.

This week at Uni (school/college/university for all my american readers) is Re-freshers week. Meaning, because I live in a first year hall, everyone goes out EVERY single night drinking. I have no idea how they do it. Had a nice time at the pub last night met a bunch of new people which was nice. I learned that "Fresh Prince of Belair" is/was just as popular here as it was in the States. And by that I mean when the song came on in the pub, the ENTIRE student crowd there was singing along it was fabulous! Maybe I will go out with some of them sometime this week-- but I just don't have the same stamina as a Uni "freshman"
Anyway thats all the news I have today. More to come later.
Much love

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