Monday 7 February 2011

Titanic, Happy Bunny Year, and Library time!

Hi everyone!

So I am currently sitting in a humungous 5 story very spacious library-- that might be redundant, but I want you to understand how big this library is.
I came here today with the intention to read a few books relating to my studies- Marine Biology, but as it turns out the majority of the Marine Bio texts are in the NOC library-- which is currently under construction and difficult to get access to.

So I have been researching some thrilling online articles on "Bioturbation" to get some work done on a paper due in a month or so.

The past few days have been really great. Went and explored downtown Southampton with the girls. Went and saw all the different memorials that are around the parks and just generally enjoyed the unusual warm and sunny day. One of the memorials is for the Titanic and the engineers who worked on it, since it made Berth in Southampton.

Also this weekend was the Happy Bunny Year-- also known as the Chinese New Year. There was a big celebration downtown jam packed with Lions, Dragons, and tiny little chinese girls singing and dancing with umbrellas. However, because of the wind my friends and I took bets on how many umbrellas would break or go flying during their performance... only one.
There was also a plethora of food stalls and cheap trinkets. 5£ for a curry seemed a little exorbitant to me, but I was starving so went for it anyway :)
Here are some more pictures!!

Much Love!

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