Wednesday 9 February 2011

Indulgence in British Television!

Before I dive into the treasures of what is British T.V. let me just say WOW I cannot believe I have over 200 page views already! That is really awesome and thank you guys so much for reading my mildly exciting adventures in the land that we once tried so hard to escape from!

Anyway. As I mentioned before I spent some time in the library and got quite a bit of research done! YAY learning.
But what do I do when I am not off galavanting the city of Southampton, or burying my nose in a book? Well lately I have been exploring the realm of British television on demand (or on the internet with those unfamiliar with the term ;) ).

When I am not catching up on the newest Glee Groove, I turn to my personal favorite (or favourite for our British readers) site being "4od," which contains all of Channel Four's magnificent and unrestrained programs (programmes). Such as Inbetweeners- the story of four boys and their tough lives growing up in "high school."
But since I have finished with that series, what can I turn my attention to? Well I am in luck because there is, "My big fat gypsy wedding," "Tool Academy" (U.K. edition), "Take me out," and world favorite, "Top Gear".

I have become fascinated with Gypsy culture now, something I knew virtually nothing about-- at least nothing except for what the Hunchback of Notre Dame  taught me. (Which might I add, I have been to Notre Dame, and I saw no hunchback on that bell tower!!)
Anywho-- back to my point. I had never realized (realised) the vast gypsy culture in Ireland (Northern?) and England. This show documents communions, and weddings of Gypsy life. And can I just say those dresses they wear on their weddings are EXTRAVAGANT (see below).
Yes, her dress LIGHTS up, and the butterflies move!
How they manage to afford such amazing and lavish celebrations is beyond me. Not only that but the fact they dress like prostitutes, but are incredibly religious. However they get married by the time they are 18 and that is old!

Aren't the things you learn while you are abroad amazing?

Anyway I just thought I would give a little culture update!
Off to find some gypsies to mingle with ;) 
Much love

P.S. For more information on gyspy wedding and traditions:
I want to know more about gypsies!

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