Monday 14 February 2011

Can you find love in the perfect meal?

Hi Everyone!

Happy Valentines day to you all-- I hope it was filled with Lots of chocolate!!
On Friday I could barely sit still in my lectures because George was arriving that day to spend the weekend here. Friday night a bunch of us went out to a night club/bar -- the same one as before "Revolution" Because I found 2-4-1 vouchers that made a more expensive night out, rather affordable.

      Saturday, George and I headed downtown and soaked up the beautiful rays of Southampton. Walked through the street markets and stopped by a Van selling meat. (not as sketch as it sounds). He is a butcher who the more money you spend the better deal he gives you. I only spent about 5£ as a test-- he gave me 7 chicken breasts. I am planning on going back and chipping in with some friends for much more meat of different kinds. 
      Now this brings me to a different point. In england, when talking about a "filet" of meat, fish, anything, They pronounce it with a hard "t" at the end. This has been driving me crazy ALL week. Brits pick and choose which words they are going to pronounce like the origin of the word, and which they are going to add syllables or remove syllables from making the word completely unrecognizable by ear to the common.. american. 
     Anyway, side note over. For Valentines... weekend... George and I went to this restaurant called Tosca's near the theater in Southampton. It was an absolutely FABULOUS dinner, I got fettucini with a wine  cream sauce with crayfish and crabmeat ... mmm tasty. But before this dinner George surprised me with a present::
Skirt from French Connection
    I have been wanting that skirt for over a month now, but could not rationalize it, it has made the PERFECT valentines gift. 
    My gift was an indoor picnic, complete with miniature bottles of champagne, rose, white, and red wine. Wenslydale with cranberries, a cheddar with a mexican kick, crackers and belgian chocolates. 

The rest of the weekend included going to class and grocery shopping. Not much to write about.
However I would like to take the time and mention I saw this fabulous cooking show by Jamie Oliver, called Jamies Big Fish Supper. I Highly recommend EVERYONE watching it. It goes through 10 sustainable seafoods which are wasted in by-catch that is thrown over board, and other plentiful fish that will help restock our Cod and Haddock and Tunas.
If you have the chance to have a search for it, the recipes are phenomenal and I can't wait to try them myself!!

Hopefully more exciting things will happen in the time to come,
Again, much love on valentines day!

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