Friday 18 February 2011

Weekend could not have come sooner!

Hey, everyone, happy Friday!

Hmm I think it should be tradition to eat fries on Friday. But they don't have fries in
Ye-Ol'-America's-Ancestor's-Land, they have chips (which look like steak fries and are DE-lish!). Anyway  I know it has been a while since I last posted, but to be honest not much has gone on this week. I have been attempting to get a lot of work done, and failing.

But because its been a mediocre week filled with ATP draining and not much photosynthesis on the weather front I have decided to share a not-so-secret with you.
It's not that exciting-- well it is for me. But I have new travel plans that I wasn't planning on writing about till I was actually IN the other country but here they are:

March 18-21 I am going to Budapest!!! I am very excited for this trip, I have wanted to go for a long time and it will be an amazing time filled with Jewish culture. :)
June 11-16th I am going to Madrid and then Lisbon!! Those plans I literally made two days ago. I get to practice my elementary spanish and get to eat Portuguese Sweet Bread (if it actually exists outside the states!)

That is my only major news this week. Should be working really hard on that blasted bioturbation essay until next week to get it out of the way.

Oh more exciting news: Totally walked 7 (or "seven" if my father is reading) miles yesterday! Yay England and their walking everywhere.

And Thank you guys for reading or at least viewing, almost 300 page views and in 5 different countries!! Awesome!
<3 Much Love, will update more next week!

P.S. Blog shout-out to my Cousin Adam who has an absolutely FABULOUS and Hilarious blog: