Sunday 30 January 2011

Arrived! Southampton: Skipped a few bits inbetween

Hi, So on Wednesday I arrived at the university of Southampton, lugging my 70lb suitcase along-- literally dreading every flight of stairs I came across.

I settled into my room, did some ASDA shopping and got orientated with the NOC- National Oceanographic Center-- which is an hour bus away from my residence hall.
Southampton is a very beautiful city, water, houses, and really good shopping.

A group of friends of mine have made friends with the pub owner down the street which is nice since he gave us drinks on the house.

George "surprised" me and showed up on friday afternoon :) and Stayed until today.
Friday night, one of the girls who goes to Southampton who studied at UNCW last year took us to a club/bar called Revolution. It was a really nice club-- free entry. 36 flavors of shots, and lots of different cocktails and such. We danced for a few hours and then caught a cab home.

Yesterday was pretty busy, doing a LOT of grocery shopping and general wandering about. Went to the pub for the Manchester United game vs Southampton Saints. The Saints were up for most of the game (I know surprising!) But of course ManU came up and scored the winning goal. I still think a game in which you play for an hour and a half and only 3 goals/points are scored is a waste of time. But the atmosphere was definitely an experience.

Today was Fish and Chips and taking George back to the train station :(

Classes start tomorrow! And I FINALLY have my timetable worked out. Yippeeee!!!
But tomorrow is Introduction to Marine Molecular Biology-- I am very excited!
Tuesday is Coastal and Estuarine Studies
Thursday is Ecological Processes of the Marine Benthos
(and then benthos and Molbio on friday)

Sorry this has been a catch-up post. Will post a bunch of pictures tomorrow/ update more by the end of the week on my classes!!

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