Monday 24 January 2011

Christmas and New Years is all I can Handle

While sitting down in the LRC (or library for us simple American folk) a group of girls talk about how the newest Harry Potter film was disappointing (I was itching to interject my personal opinion on the matter), and how Emma Watson will eternally be Hermione Granger. I was then ambushed by a group of about 7 African.... British? students-- who were very nice even though they were disrupting my intense concentration on which classes to sign up for when I head back to UNCW.
I have been trying to figure out this whole blog thing and it has not been cooperating very well-- so hopefully I will be able to change this silly background to something more cliche and stereotypical-- maybe a union jack or a picture of Abbey Road.

Now that I have attempted to set the scene-- it is time to Rewind a few weeks and recapture the events past.

Christmas: My very first Christmas!! Well there was a big to-do about getting all the food prepared, leaves and sticks to line the banister, and cleaning this amazing house/half under construction, all which seemed to mesh well with my chaotic nature. I had a Double dose of turkey this year-- first at the very traditional American Thanksgiving dinner where my mother proceeded to buy 4lbs of turkey per person, and then at the Marriott Christmas Lunch/Feast. This was a 26lb turkey wrapped in, BACON. The entire turkey wrapped in bacon and cooked over night. I also discovered apricots wrapped in bacon is probably my new favorite-- though decidedly unhealthy-- food. All of George's relatives were incredibly welcoming and very nice.
      One of George's... uncles? was very attentive to everyone's drinks and trying to avoid a refill was incredibly difficult!! I tried hiding my glass, not finishing my glass, saying I don't want anymore-- all which ended in "Let me find you another glass," or "let me fill you cup, come-on its Christmas!".

There was then the traditional walk through the fields after  lunch, this time in the snow, and a snowball fight.
We also passed a swinging rope-- but me being 4 glasses of wine/champagne in decided it was best I don't fall into a frozen creek that day.

New Years: George, Andrew (his brother) and I went down to london to see the fireworks off the London Eye, we were pretty close. and it was Absolutely AMAZING-- I would definitely do it again. There were some very roudy people, and the entire crowded bridge started to sway and push and I was terrified that the photographer along the edge of the bridge was going to lose his tripod-- or worse be pushed over himself.
       I also got grinded upon by random british strangers who decided the music was perfect to dance wildly too-- even though there was only about NO space between them and anyone else.
There was one point where it was so crowded and squished that i was literally being held between two people without my feet touching the ground.

George's House: It would not be bad: cheap student housing, kitchen, bathroom, living room, garden....
      It is just lacking some basic things-- a ceiling. Before Christmas there was a lot of snow-- and george has a shallow pitched roof with felt tiles-- not great. Well this caused the roof to leak and large holes in the bathroom ceiling. The Landlord took a few weeks and then came and knocked down the rest of the ceiling--
       There is still no ceiling above the bath and a spider landed on me in the shower the other day .... I might have screamed a little.
There is now more leaking areas in the house and the landlord sucks a bit.

As I am getting tired of typing-- and if any of you have actually read this entire post you deserve a prize-- unfortunately I don't have any to give... except my gratitude :)

I love and miss you all,
Paris and More to come in later posts :)


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