Wednesday 26 January 2011

Paris Day 2!

No Sleeping in on this trip! We had a bright and early start on the wonders of Paris. We made our way to Rue Mouffetard Market. All I heard was that it was a street market and had really no idea of what to expect.
We get off the metro and find our way to the Market. It was absolutely amazing, hot food, restaurants, fish markets with the most AMAZING fish, cheese, sausage, wine, pastry!!!! We found a little pastry stand and got some breakfast.
Now I must say you have never eaten a chocolate crossaint before if you have never eaten it fresh out of the oven in france!!!

That street market made me wish I could live there. Wake up every morning, go shopping for all my fresh foods, meats, cheeses, wine  and have dinner for my family made from the freshest ingredients!. I feel that would be the ideal life for me--- of course with some diving and boating on the side ;)

We made our way to the Bastile, sat down at a cafe and looked over the river. We then decided to wander around a bit. We were following signs that lead to an Arsenal but when we got there, there was an exhibition on, I believe, modeling-- as in architecture.
There were complete models of Paris and hanging from the ceiling was another HUGE model of Les Halles shopping center to the Bastile- complete with metro routes underneath it. And printed on the floor was an aerial view that matched up to the model. It was absolutely amazing. George and I spent about 30 - 40 minutes in there. We didn't know at first that the model was of Les Halles, so we spent a while trying to look it up, and then figure out a path of how to get there.

We left, on our way to Les Halles, where George and I discovered this little tacky, retro shop-- complete with poker tables and furniture from the 1960s. As well as a ton of "Made in London" and Beatles stuff. As much as I love the Beatles I decided it would be sacrilegious  to buy an Abbey Road wallet in Paris. George, however, fell in love with what can only be described as a Red Die Foot Stool. (photo to come)
There was a sale on it so he forked over the money to buy and carry this foot stool around with him all day.
We got to the area where Les Halles was, and again wandered around-- a theme for the day-- We grabbed some lunch, got stalked by an ADORABLE little white fluffball doggie-- who had a collar but no owner (I asked george if I can take him home, he said, "No")
Walked around George Pompidou Center which was really cool and really big.
FINALLY Found Les Halles and Walked around there for a while-- but really it was  a glorified shopping center.

After our legs were thoroughly exhausted, It was time to head back to the hotel to drop our stuff off. I took a quick power nap. And then we Headed out for the Louvre. I will definitely need to go back there one day-- because it is absolutely MASSIVE and I did not get to see everythign I wanted, but I was starving and my legs hurt so bad. So we saw the Mona Lisa-- which was a lot bigger than I thought it was gonna be-- shocker right? The Nike, Ramses, Michael Angelo stuff and a ton of Jesus Paintings-- as I like to call them.

After the Louvre we went for dinner at a place called Cafe Saint Honore for a little fancy dinner. I got a "Ceasar Salad"-- quotations because this was no ceasar salad I have ever had before!! It was a beautiful bed of mixed greens/lettuce, roast chicken, avocado, green beans, sauteed mushrooms, i think corn, and smoked duck breast slices-- with a light creamy/lemony dressing. Absolutely AMAZING. Best thing I have ever eaten. We also had 8-10 euros worth of wine-- which was two "small" glasses. I don't think the french know what is considered a small glass, because what was served to me was a full out Sara Sized glass!

We headed back on the metro to the Hotel.

Day 3 tomorrow!
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