Friday 28 January 2011

Paris: The Final Chapter

On the last day in Paris, we packed up our bags and put them in a luggage storage to pickup later for our train.
We went to Champ Elysees and walked up and down the street going in the Fancy shops and car dealerships.  Saw the Arc de Triomph and watched the Chaos for a while.
I was Honestly shocked that there was not an accident in the 40 minutes we were standing there.

We went to the St Denis Basillica after that. This Basilica is meant to be the first true gothic architecture in France. It is also the burial place of many Kings and Queens of France. Including Marie Antoinette. After george and I had a wander around the Church, we headed around to the necropolis. It was quite a site-- so many memorials of such influential people. I learned a lot of the time they did not bury the whole body sanctimoniously, but would memorialize just the heart of the person. 
There were other graves which contained the long decomposed bodies of Kirsten Dunst... I mean Marie Antoinette.... and other "great" kings.
The Middle grave on the Left is dear Marie

After that, we found a french supermarket, and bought two bottles of champagne (one was 1 euro) a bottle of orangina, two cans of real Kronenburg, two dry sausages (asbsolutely delicious) and two things of cheese. Stuffed this all between bags we were carrying and my backpack-- and treked back to our hotel to unload, reload and head to the train.
I got into a little bit of a snag at border control because they were not happy that I had been in the UK for almost a month and that I was requesting a Visitor Visa for another 6 months-- and requested I change my flight so its a few days earlier -- which I may or may not do.

Once in London we travelled to georges house and then bright and early sunday morning, were back on the train to london to visit Long time Family friends of mine. Alex Ashbourne. She took us out for an amazing chinese lunch in China town. Cannot wait to see her again and her parents who I have know all my life.

Tomorrow -- Adventures by the sea without a Beach.



  1. Not that your life has been all that long. Please don't eat pork products. You will asbolutely get trichinosis. Same for cheese if you buy it by the thing. I would advise not buying by the thing.

  2. Sausage and cheese is THE diet for the budget traveler. I would eat nothing but the two for the remainder of your trip.
