Saturday 5 March 2011

Surprise pt deux: Bubbles, Tinkerbell, and the Tube

Hi everyone!

        So I never made it to Oxford the other day, but I definitely plan on going while I am here.
The girls in Riding Club are all really nice and had a great time eating really good chinese food which I was absolutely CRAVING.
       Wednesday Night the girls and I went to the University run "I <3 College" Foam party night at "The Cube" One of the many bars ON CAMPUS. It is half dance club half American Frat Party themed, with beer pong and sorts. We started chatting to the American Football team who were playing beer pong, and they were all very nice. I got into an argument over Redskins vs. Eagles.... Of course I WON. Because being a home team kinda girl... and American... I just win. They all decided to head to another club downtown but we were not thinking of paying for entry to another club so we stayed. We headed to the dance floor which was covered in foam!! My favourite!

So we then had to walk back sopping wet in the freezing cold! I don't know how we did it. 

I then decided to come up to George's Parents house for the weekend to get him back for last weekend. He had absolutely NO idea that I was heading up here and I must say was quite a successful surprise :-D

It was Fabulous! Anywhere that is where I am now, andddd over and out!

Much love,

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