Monday 7 March 2011

Day at the Races! with pictures

Hi everyone.

I had one of the most amazing days yesterday. George's parents took us to .... Garthorpe-- The Melton Hunt Club.
The place was filled of hundreds of people, dogs, and 43 horses, for a good ol'fashion "point to point." It was really good fun! On the second race, George and I placed a small bet on two different horses. We should have bet to place not to win because one of them came in third :( . A common feature in a steeplechase is horses or riders falling over the jumps. So as expected one of the horses threw off the rider and no one thought much of it. In fact the announcer got a lot of enjoyment from making fun of the fact that after the rider was off, the horse still ran the race. Not only ran it, but jumped the jumps, at one point jumping in front of all the other horses, and then almost winning the race, entirely without a rider. 
   One of my goals while I was here was to go to a fancy hat horse race, or really just a race in general. So that has been almost completed-- as there were no fancy hats yesterday! I must admit there was nothing I wanted to do more than jump on one of those horses and race with the other numerous woman jockeys. (Which was something I was not used to, jockeys that weighed over 95lbs and were over 5' tall, in addition to being on quite small horses-- 15 hands mostly, I would say. But the ground was not very level so I could be mistaken!) Also the race was VERY long!! It was over 2 miles, possibly closer to 3. 

Weather seems to be behaving itself ;) 
Update more later ! 


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