Monday 28 February 2011


So Friday evening, debating what my plans were for the evening-- which mainly consisted of exploring new culinary flavors using left over alcohol which can no longer be used to drink. I sit down waiting for George to get on skype so I can hear about his work trip to York.

7:30 rolls around and I am getting excited. Danielle just left for a CU meeting and I hear a knock on my door. I was confused as to why Danielle was back already... I "mhm'ed" to the person at the door to come in. The door swings open and George is at  the door. I was ridiculously confused and surprised... my first thought being... "Wait... you are not Danielle!" Second though being, "OMGOSH YOU ARE HERE!!!!"

So my hopes of finally getting my paper 99.9% complete this weekend were pushed out the door while George stepped in.

Since I had yet to do my grocery shopping george and I ordered a HUGE pizza and watched the Yogi Bear movie, which was unexpectedly very cute.

On to my Culinary explorations:
I cooked Chicken in a Cider and Rose sauce.
Sealed the chicken in butter.
Sauteed Onions and Mushrooms in butter,
Poured the left over Cider and Rose and a Packet of malt vinegar (tbsp) into the saucepan with onions and mushroom.
Brought to a boil, Added 1/2 tbsp of cream.
Added Chicken,
Let simmer for a while.
Added a tbsp of sugar.

One thing I would do differently is probably marinate the chicken a bit more. And put more sugar in the sauce to begin with (before chicken was added) and then reduce the sauce more to a glaze.

At some point I will be doing a White Wine Cream sauce with Chicken.
And Red wine balsamic reduction on Lamb.

Starting on my other paper this week. As well as going out for Chinese food tomorrow to socialize with the rest of riding club. Oxford on Wednesday! Countdown to budapest is 3 weeks!!! AH!

Love you all!
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Wednesday 23 February 2011

Yeeeehaww! Oh wait... wrong country... Giddeeup?

So the other day I came to a decision.
If I were to be any kind of tree it would be a cherry blossom tree. Now I know it has taken me quite a few years to come to this conclusion (sorry Eric) but I was on the bus the other day and every day we pass this gorgeous cherry blossom tree in someone's yard and it hit me -- not literally-- if I were any tree it would be a cherry blossom.

Now as I am sure most of you are wondering "what the heck is this crazy lady talking about?' Well I have many reasons for wanting to be a cherry blossom here they are:
1) My favorite (favourite) food is sushi and they are native to japan.
2) They are pink and pretty and smell nice
3) they line my entire street back home.
4) They remind me of D.C.
5) One of my most favorite days ever involved the Cherry Blossom Festival.
6) and my best reason so far: I am a ginger aka red hair aka ALMOST pink... meaning we were ment to be.

Ok So enough of that: Today I went horseback riding. First time I had lessons in over a year!! My legs are hating me right now. The girls I went riding with were very nice but the lesson was quite a hassle. The first horse I was on apparently associates music with bucking and misbehaving so of course because we had a double lesson with children, they played music. Great! Louie -- i believe the name was-- he first spooked out a bit. Fine what ever, then he started half bucking and "dancing" and generally misbehaving. So I swapped horses. During this time Louie spooked again reared and landed right on my foot, YAY! not.  Jenna was a sweet little thing, lazy as EVER! I could barely get her to walk from a halt let alone trot and canter. I eventually got her going. But those ponies gave me quite the work out, i am absolutely exhausted!!!!! But can't wait to go again!

I got 1200 words done for my first paper! Just need to finish it up, edit, reference and viola! Then Next week my second paper-- just start poppin these puppies out.

This week at Uni (school/college/university for all my american readers) is Re-freshers week. Meaning, because I live in a first year hall, everyone goes out EVERY single night drinking. I have no idea how they do it. Had a nice time at the pub last night met a bunch of new people which was nice. I learned that "Fresh Prince of Belair" is/was just as popular here as it was in the States. And by that I mean when the song came on in the pub, the ENTIRE student crowd there was singing along it was fabulous! Maybe I will go out with some of them sometime this week-- but I just don't have the same stamina as a Uni "freshman"
Anyway thats all the news I have today. More to come later.
Much love

Friday 18 February 2011

Weekend could not have come sooner!

Hey, everyone, happy Friday!

Hmm I think it should be tradition to eat fries on Friday. But they don't have fries in
Ye-Ol'-America's-Ancestor's-Land, they have chips (which look like steak fries and are DE-lish!). Anyway  I know it has been a while since I last posted, but to be honest not much has gone on this week. I have been attempting to get a lot of work done, and failing.

But because its been a mediocre week filled with ATP draining and not much photosynthesis on the weather front I have decided to share a not-so-secret with you.
It's not that exciting-- well it is for me. But I have new travel plans that I wasn't planning on writing about till I was actually IN the other country but here they are:

March 18-21 I am going to Budapest!!! I am very excited for this trip, I have wanted to go for a long time and it will be an amazing time filled with Jewish culture. :)
June 11-16th I am going to Madrid and then Lisbon!! Those plans I literally made two days ago. I get to practice my elementary spanish and get to eat Portuguese Sweet Bread (if it actually exists outside the states!)

That is my only major news this week. Should be working really hard on that blasted bioturbation essay until next week to get it out of the way.

Oh more exciting news: Totally walked 7 (or "seven" if my father is reading) miles yesterday! Yay England and their walking everywhere.

And Thank you guys for reading or at least viewing, almost 300 page views and in 5 different countries!! Awesome!
<3 Much Love, will update more next week!

P.S. Blog shout-out to my Cousin Adam who has an absolutely FABULOUS and Hilarious blog:

Monday 14 February 2011

Can you find love in the perfect meal?

Hi Everyone!

Happy Valentines day to you all-- I hope it was filled with Lots of chocolate!!
On Friday I could barely sit still in my lectures because George was arriving that day to spend the weekend here. Friday night a bunch of us went out to a night club/bar -- the same one as before "Revolution" Because I found 2-4-1 vouchers that made a more expensive night out, rather affordable.

      Saturday, George and I headed downtown and soaked up the beautiful rays of Southampton. Walked through the street markets and stopped by a Van selling meat. (not as sketch as it sounds). He is a butcher who the more money you spend the better deal he gives you. I only spent about 5£ as a test-- he gave me 7 chicken breasts. I am planning on going back and chipping in with some friends for much more meat of different kinds. 
      Now this brings me to a different point. In england, when talking about a "filet" of meat, fish, anything, They pronounce it with a hard "t" at the end. This has been driving me crazy ALL week. Brits pick and choose which words they are going to pronounce like the origin of the word, and which they are going to add syllables or remove syllables from making the word completely unrecognizable by ear to the common.. american. 
     Anyway, side note over. For Valentines... weekend... George and I went to this restaurant called Tosca's near the theater in Southampton. It was an absolutely FABULOUS dinner, I got fettucini with a wine  cream sauce with crayfish and crabmeat ... mmm tasty. But before this dinner George surprised me with a present::
Skirt from French Connection
    I have been wanting that skirt for over a month now, but could not rationalize it, it has made the PERFECT valentines gift. 
    My gift was an indoor picnic, complete with miniature bottles of champagne, rose, white, and red wine. Wenslydale with cranberries, a cheddar with a mexican kick, crackers and belgian chocolates. 

The rest of the weekend included going to class and grocery shopping. Not much to write about.
However I would like to take the time and mention I saw this fabulous cooking show by Jamie Oliver, called Jamies Big Fish Supper. I Highly recommend EVERYONE watching it. It goes through 10 sustainable seafoods which are wasted in by-catch that is thrown over board, and other plentiful fish that will help restock our Cod and Haddock and Tunas.
If you have the chance to have a search for it, the recipes are phenomenal and I can't wait to try them myself!!

Hopefully more exciting things will happen in the time to come,
Again, much love on valentines day!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Indulgence in British Television!

Before I dive into the treasures of what is British T.V. let me just say WOW I cannot believe I have over 200 page views already! That is really awesome and thank you guys so much for reading my mildly exciting adventures in the land that we once tried so hard to escape from!

Anyway. As I mentioned before I spent some time in the library and got quite a bit of research done! YAY learning.
But what do I do when I am not off galavanting the city of Southampton, or burying my nose in a book? Well lately I have been exploring the realm of British television on demand (or on the internet with those unfamiliar with the term ;) ).

When I am not catching up on the newest Glee Groove, I turn to my personal favorite (or favourite for our British readers) site being "4od," which contains all of Channel Four's magnificent and unrestrained programs (programmes). Such as Inbetweeners- the story of four boys and their tough lives growing up in "high school."
But since I have finished with that series, what can I turn my attention to? Well I am in luck because there is, "My big fat gypsy wedding," "Tool Academy" (U.K. edition), "Take me out," and world favorite, "Top Gear".

I have become fascinated with Gypsy culture now, something I knew virtually nothing about-- at least nothing except for what the Hunchback of Notre Dame  taught me. (Which might I add, I have been to Notre Dame, and I saw no hunchback on that bell tower!!)
Anywho-- back to my point. I had never realized (realised) the vast gypsy culture in Ireland (Northern?) and England. This show documents communions, and weddings of Gypsy life. And can I just say those dresses they wear on their weddings are EXTRAVAGANT (see below).
Yes, her dress LIGHTS up, and the butterflies move!
How they manage to afford such amazing and lavish celebrations is beyond me. Not only that but the fact they dress like prostitutes, but are incredibly religious. However they get married by the time they are 18 and that is old!

Aren't the things you learn while you are abroad amazing?

Anyway I just thought I would give a little culture update!
Off to find some gypsies to mingle with ;) 
Much love

P.S. For more information on gyspy wedding and traditions:
I want to know more about gypsies!

Monday 7 February 2011

Titanic, Happy Bunny Year, and Library time!

Hi everyone!

So I am currently sitting in a humungous 5 story very spacious library-- that might be redundant, but I want you to understand how big this library is.
I came here today with the intention to read a few books relating to my studies- Marine Biology, but as it turns out the majority of the Marine Bio texts are in the NOC library-- which is currently under construction and difficult to get access to.

So I have been researching some thrilling online articles on "Bioturbation" to get some work done on a paper due in a month or so.

The past few days have been really great. Went and explored downtown Southampton with the girls. Went and saw all the different memorials that are around the parks and just generally enjoyed the unusual warm and sunny day. One of the memorials is for the Titanic and the engineers who worked on it, since it made Berth in Southampton.

Also this weekend was the Happy Bunny Year-- also known as the Chinese New Year. There was a big celebration downtown jam packed with Lions, Dragons, and tiny little chinese girls singing and dancing with umbrellas. However, because of the wind my friends and I took bets on how many umbrellas would break or go flying during their performance... only one.
There was also a plethora of food stalls and cheap trinkets. 5£ for a curry seemed a little exorbitant to me, but I was starving so went for it anyway :)
Here are some more pictures!!

Much Love!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Classes have Commenced

A bunch of my flatmates (british for people who share a bathroom, shower, and kitchen with you) were going out on Sunday night, and as I had a 9am class with a one hour commute to get there I opted out.

I get to my class perfectly on time. My friends and sit down and wait..... but nothing, 30 minutes pass and there was not an old british man with a doctorate anywhere in sight. People started to clear out because they assumed that the Lecturer was a no--show.  We all cleared out and decided to walk around the city for a bit before heading back to our rooms.

As it turned out there was a mistake on the timetable and the class was not supposed to start until Friday. So I just will have to wait until Friday to learn about Marine Molecular Biology :)

So Tuesday marked the start of classes, with Coastal and Estuarine Studies. This time a different old British man with the doctorate did show up.  We chatted about water samples and methods, all very stimulating-- kinda?

Because I have no classes on Wednesdays, instead of being lame and staying in all evening, a few of us Americans decided to go out with one of my Flatmates and her friends.

So after a few hours of being packed like sardines in this club and breathing air similar to what a  burning house would consist of, we decided it was best to make our way back to the halls.
Sat for a while in Jennie's room playing the game "British/American Language Difference" Was told to be quiet by a few different other flatmates, and then eventually stumbled to bed around 3am, and tried to fall asleep to the birds chirping away outside.

Over all a very good night!
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