Sunday 15 May 2011

Sara(h)s Vs Europe (pictures to come)

So it has been quite a while since my last post because I have been ridiculously busy between finishing coursework, my friend Sarah visiting and travelling!

To set my parent's minds at ease-- I got all my coursework finished and turned in on time!

I managed to get up to George's house a few days early to finish a bit of my coursework up before Sarah got here. On Friday the 22nd of April dear Sarah arrived nearly an hour early-- unheard of for international flying! We collected her from heathrow and got her settled in and allowed her to passout and sleep in the next day.
We then went to St. Albans, which is a town near hatfield with a really beautiful cathedral and nice shopping area. There was a street market going on and a group of monks singing and dancing down the streets passing out pamphlets about G-d or something. After sitting at a lovely  little cafe we decided to continue to meander our way to the Cathedral. The Cathedral was absolutely gorgeous and we walked around inside of it-- it looks soooo much larger on the inside than from the outside! Then we ended our day by buying some cider and taking the bus to the lake and sat on the hill and relaxed.

The next day we did the London thing. And literally did EVERYTHING. We probably walked about 10+ miles that day and finished in a nice little dim-sum restaurant for a lite bite before we left. We saw all the royal wedding set up and news programming being. There was the Morning Joe at MSNBC that was set up at Trafalgar Square. We went to the Globe Theater and almost were able to enter for free, but were told off for it. . . . oops.
 Sorry Dad, I failed you.
We would have gone to Greenwich but I was not entirely sure I knew my way around it and we were both completely exhausted by the end of the day-- so we decided to head back to George's house a bit earlier than planned.

Next morning, we were up again and off to St. Pancras to catch a train to Barsby. We were both expecting a relaxing day in the country side to allow our blisters to go down. However, when we arrived we were whisked away to Foxton Locks which is a beautiful area with a canal running through it. (Hence the Locks) It was an absolutely gorgeous and in the words of Yogi the Bear, "It's a fine day for a pic-a-nic!" So we had a lovely little picnic between two of the holding ponds-- while Chalkie the dog, was IN one of the holding ponds. We walked around viewing the country side and all the rapeseed oil (or oilseed rape) which has a beautiful yellow flower that covers the majority of England during the spring months.
Later that day we went to go buy some chickens for the Marriotts new chicken castle. We each got to pick one, we got a small black and brown one, a speckalty one, a white one with a black collar, a BIG white fluffy one named G, and a HUGE blue brahma named Eagle.

We delivered the chickens to their castle and when were taking them out of the box, one of the chickens laid an egg in the box! Now that must have been an incredibly uncomfortable experience, laying an egg with two other chickens with you!

The next day we did a nice long walk in the countryside and just enjoyed the fresh English air.

Next half of this post is to come within the next few days.
Sorry again this has taken so long, but there is more Shakespeare, France and Sunny Southampton to look forward to!

Also pictures will be posted soon, my internet is acting up so cannot post them now.

Cannot believe I only have 2 months until I come home!!!

1 comment:

  1. SARAAAAA!!!!!!!! :) I am so thrilled to know you've had such a wonderful time over there in England!!!!! I miss you, love you, & hope your last two months are equally as magical as the first ones were!!!! <3
