Wednesday 22 June 2011

Something wicked this way comes...

Why hello there!

Long time no see. I am currently writing on an iPad so let's see how this post turns out. I know I promised a month ago for more posts but exams arose and alas I was too busy getting my study on.

Any who, I left off wandering the beautiful countryside. So we left that place to discover something even more magical, the place where Shakespeare was born! It was a ridiculous 2 hour train journey from London and we need up only being there for 3 hours because I was an idiot but I will get to that later.

We arrived a t the beautiful Stratford upon Avon, lives in towe since we had to go to Southampton afterwards. It was a gorgeous day and aside from a few stressful money issues to start with it was a happy day. We fell in love with the picturesque scenes of the 16th century buildings. We wandered the city dotted with subtle Shakespeare-isms and went to his birthplace, a cute little cottage. We then started to wander to the church where he is burried. When we got there there was a sign for Shakespeare's birthday celebration. Sarah was in heaven! (<3) we listened to the organ man rehearse for the big night which filled the church and made the scene perfect. Around the church there was a canal that we decided to sit at for a while before moving on. I looked at my phone and realized the time was 15:15 I stopped to think for a moment and realized our train was at 15:37 (which does not translate to 5:37 which I stupidly thought it had). So just as we were scheming on how to cross the canal to the park on the other side we bolted across an unfamiliar town following little iron signs to the station where we thankfully caught our train. (sorry Sarah I failed at planning).

We caught our ridiculous train to London, then a bus to Southampton. And then slept for a few hours until we had to catch another bus to the ferry port so that we could catch our ferry to Caen, France.

Wee caught the little shuttle bus from Ouistreham (pronounced (i think) we-strum; as in "we strum a guitar" -- that was for you Trimble.) to Caen and the first thing you see is this absolutely gorgeous gothic cathedral, and to the right a huge castle. Of course Sarah and I were very excited about this castle and proceeded to walk the entirety of the walls. The view was gorgeous. Also it was here I decided that cats love castles-- I will get back to this in my post on Lisbon. We toured the very French little town doing some shopping and eating French things, like baguettes and croissants. We set our path towards things that looked old and cute and found the abbey for men-- which has a french name, but I can't seem to look it up at the moment on this iPad. Then as the day was ending and the sun was setting Sarah and I went to a little market and bought a bottle of French cidre and euro champagne. We climbed back to the top of the castle to one of the towers with a cannon and sat and watched the sunset.

Back in Ouistreham we split a delicious pizza and creme brûlée. The waiter was very confused as to why we would want to split a 12 inch "personal" pizza. We then caught our overenight ferry back to Southampton where we slept the rest of the day.

I will upload morer pictures tonight. I promise!!

That is sarah's and my journey throughout europe (really only uk and France).
We spent the next few days in Southampton and then I had to send her off back to the states which I was veery sad about! I love you Sarah!


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