Friday 16 March 2012

Muir Woods in San Francisco!

Well this is a refreshing thing to do.
Maybe I will add a few more posts after this one. I am currently in san francisco on spring break. I went and visited my cousins Adam, Eliza, and their beautiful baby boy, Gray. But today, today was quite the adventure, my friend Phil (from southampton) and I wanted to go to Muir Woods. Normally there is a bus there from San Fran, but that is only during the tourist seasons. So we decided to use the rest of SF public transit to make our way there.
This is what we had to work with.

We decided to take the number 10 from SF to where we thought the entrance was. We got to the bus stop and watched our bus go by before we made it there. We did not think much of it, until we noticed they only came once an hour. So we considered taking the 70 up to Mill Valley, but we did not really know how to get there from there. So we waited for the 10. An hour goes by and the 10 comes, we see it, the driver sees us, and she drives STRAIGHT past us. I was livid! So then we ultimately decided to take the next bus going over the bridge (the 70). 

We took the 70 to Marin City and transfered to the 17. When we got on THAT bus the driver said we would have a 10 mile walk from the nearest point he could get us too. (I doubted that because the scale on that map is pretty close in. Anyway, a nice park ranger man was on the bus and suggested we get off at the top of Mill Valley (Miller and sunny side if you are following me on the map) and then take the Dipsea Trail (if you click there is a picture guide of how we got to muir woods). We thought this sounded like the most logical idea, ya know climbing the height of a 50 story building!!!!!! 

So we followed this treacherous trail in the cloud covered mountain until we saw a sign to muir woods. We had already walked over a mile since then, and it was another mile to go. We traveled down the hill and entered into this gorgeous valley of bendy trees covered in moss. With the clouds and mist in the valley it was eery but pretty. We hiked our way, looking for mountain lion tracks but only finding deer tracks. Suddenly, we heard civilization, and we realized we had made it to our final destination, MUIR WOODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Muir Woods itself is an enchanted forest. The redwoods are so amazingly tall, and take your breath away!  I wish I had the pictures now to post but you just feel so connected with the earth standing amongst the trees. We did another 2ish mile hike there, grabbed a cup of tea and realized we still did not know how we were getting back to san francisco. We checked the visitor center, who suggested we take a cab for $40 to sausalito! Ridiculous. We decided we were going to see if anyone was able to give us a lift. I saw these two women, a younger woman and her mother and I asked them if they were heading back to San Fran and if they could give us a lift to the Bridge. The woman was hesitant but said yes and she ended up being incredibly lovely and dropped us off at the bike shop where our friends were meeting us!! The woman, Michelle, said that one of her friends was actually in the movie The Cove, and would introduce us via email! COOL! Also she drove us down Lombard street on the really windy section which was also really awesome. 

We got dropped off safe and sound from my first hitchhiking experience, and met up with our friends and walked down to fishermans wharf for a nice breadbowl of chowder at Boudin! YUM!

Overall this day was probably the best day in San Francisco I have had!

Maybe I will write more later :) 

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