Monday 27 January 2014

My Favorite Salsa in the whole wide world

There is this burrito barn in Wilmington, NC called Flaming Amy's. They have my favorite burritos there. Though more importantly they have my favorite salsa.


It is the perfect combination of sweet and spicy. Now, this was not intended to be a recipe blog, however, here is my copy cat recipe for their salsa.

1 Can of pineapple
1/2-1 whole fresh jalepeno
1/2 a red onion
2-3 cloves of garlic.
And potentially some sugar to taste (it seems to bring it all together, but its optional!)

Put all of this in a food processor and chop/blend/mash by hand ( I have done this) and ENJOY!


Sunday 27 October 2013

Take my Survey

Hi Blogging world.

I am doing a survey for one of my class projects.

here it is!
It is about Shrimp Fishery Management in North Carolina.


Friday 16 March 2012

Muir Woods in San Francisco!

Well this is a refreshing thing to do.
Maybe I will add a few more posts after this one. I am currently in san francisco on spring break. I went and visited my cousins Adam, Eliza, and their beautiful baby boy, Gray. But today, today was quite the adventure, my friend Phil (from southampton) and I wanted to go to Muir Woods. Normally there is a bus there from San Fran, but that is only during the tourist seasons. So we decided to use the rest of SF public transit to make our way there.
This is what we had to work with.

We decided to take the number 10 from SF to where we thought the entrance was. We got to the bus stop and watched our bus go by before we made it there. We did not think much of it, until we noticed they only came once an hour. So we considered taking the 70 up to Mill Valley, but we did not really know how to get there from there. So we waited for the 10. An hour goes by and the 10 comes, we see it, the driver sees us, and she drives STRAIGHT past us. I was livid! So then we ultimately decided to take the next bus going over the bridge (the 70). 

We took the 70 to Marin City and transfered to the 17. When we got on THAT bus the driver said we would have a 10 mile walk from the nearest point he could get us too. (I doubted that because the scale on that map is pretty close in. Anyway, a nice park ranger man was on the bus and suggested we get off at the top of Mill Valley (Miller and sunny side if you are following me on the map) and then take the Dipsea Trail (if you click there is a picture guide of how we got to muir woods). We thought this sounded like the most logical idea, ya know climbing the height of a 50 story building!!!!!! 

So we followed this treacherous trail in the cloud covered mountain until we saw a sign to muir woods. We had already walked over a mile since then, and it was another mile to go. We traveled down the hill and entered into this gorgeous valley of bendy trees covered in moss. With the clouds and mist in the valley it was eery but pretty. We hiked our way, looking for mountain lion tracks but only finding deer tracks. Suddenly, we heard civilization, and we realized we had made it to our final destination, MUIR WOODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Muir Woods itself is an enchanted forest. The redwoods are so amazingly tall, and take your breath away!  I wish I had the pictures now to post but you just feel so connected with the earth standing amongst the trees. We did another 2ish mile hike there, grabbed a cup of tea and realized we still did not know how we were getting back to san francisco. We checked the visitor center, who suggested we take a cab for $40 to sausalito! Ridiculous. We decided we were going to see if anyone was able to give us a lift. I saw these two women, a younger woman and her mother and I asked them if they were heading back to San Fran and if they could give us a lift to the Bridge. The woman was hesitant but said yes and she ended up being incredibly lovely and dropped us off at the bike shop where our friends were meeting us!! The woman, Michelle, said that one of her friends was actually in the movie The Cove, and would introduce us via email! COOL! Also she drove us down Lombard street on the really windy section which was also really awesome. 

We got dropped off safe and sound from my first hitchhiking experience, and met up with our friends and walked down to fishermans wharf for a nice breadbowl of chowder at Boudin! YUM!

Overall this day was probably the best day in San Francisco I have had!

Maybe I will write more later :) 

Saturday 24 September 2011

An Epic Four Days

After Falmouth,
One of the Lecturers drove my friend Danielle and I back to Southampton in 3 1/2 to 4 hours, which was just the perfect amount of time because we made it to our train with 15 minutes to spare! We were heading back to London with ALL of our things from the semester-- and looking back at that I cannot even imagine how we carried everything.

We connected with one of my father's friends who lived in Central London, about 4 "blocks" away from Oxford Street. A perfect location.
We went to sleep, and then woke up bright and early to get ourselves to the Bus Station because we were headed to Amsterdam!!! Danielle and I stayed two nights in Amsterdam, and we found the people on a site called It is a great site to connect fellow travelers in the hopes of finding somewhere to stay in a foreign city. Also, the site could be used if you would just like to meet up with a native and need someone to show you around.

Anyway, the first night we had was very interesting to say the least. Danielle and I were obviously exhausted after coming off a 12 hour bus journey and it was difficult to make the guy we were staying with understand that we just wanted to go to bed. Anyway, we lived and were moving to another couple's place that evening, but that meant that we had to carry all of our stuff with us that day. We went on the Sandman's Free Tour of Amsterdam which was very good and very entertaining. It ended at Anne Frank's House, and it is with deep regret that I was not able to go up into the attic, because the line was 2 hours long and we had limited time and money. Here are a few pictures to illustrate all that was done :)

The couple we stayed with the second night were absolutely precious. They made us a fabulous vegetarian dinner and fresh pressed mint tea-- which I later tried at home! We traded a lot of stories and ideas and had an overall great time with them! The day after, we spent some more time in the city and then headed back to the station to go on our 12 hour bus ride back to London. 

Once we hit the French Border we had to all get off the bus and through Boarder Control. I was very excited to tell them that I was leaving the UK the next morning and that I would never have to go through boarder control again. I got questioned so heavily, why did i pick Southampton, why was I still here, how can I afford my studies, do I have a job? etc etc etc. 10 minutes later, I was stamped and ushered through to head back to the bus because we were getting on the Ferry to cross the Channel to Dover. We were a bit annoyed because on the ferry there was no real place to sleep and it was absolutely frigid. But one of the most amazing things, we got to see the Cliffs of Dover from the ferry as the sun was rising. It was gorgeous and way more impressive than I ever imagined! 

Later that day-- i cannot remember if when we got back to "our" apartment if we slept or just showered and got ready for the day-- 
anywho-- we arranged to meet some friends to walk about London and get some drinks at this bar called All Bar One. 
Here are more photos of that (A photo says 1000 words right?) 

I then went out to dinner with Cape Cod family friends to an a fabulous "Chip Shop."  I had salmon fish and chips which was probably the most delicious thing in the world-- maybe. But it was pretty good!!

Next morning Danielle and I were up at a glorious 5:30 or 6am to catch the first Tube to Heathrow-- for our final flight home!!! 

Arrived at Dulles!

And thus concludes my time abroad! I had an amazing journey, and thank you all so much for sticking with me and reading my blog. I will hopefully remember to continue to update it every once in a while (Especially because I have an awesome penguin story!).

So Long!

Falmouth: Boats, Dolphins, BBQ, and research

This is a long time belated post. I am sorry I have been so lax on my posting these past few weeks.

After Portugal and Spain George and I then spent a weekend at his Parents house and then a few more days in the glorious Hatfield. But then, it was time for me to head back to Southampton so that I could pack all my things and go to Falmouth. (June 26- July 9)

I did not take many pictures while in Falmouth, but I can rustle up some of my friends for the blog.
The purpose of Falmouth was a two week field course to study the chemical, physical and "biological" properties of the Fal Estuary. We did three boat trips, one offshore on Calista, One estuary on the platoon and Bill Conway, and a geophysical habitat mapping on the Grey Bear.
Group 10 Fal Website  I apologize in advance for the terrible mistakes the website is ridden with.

I am not going to go in to all the detail about what we did on each trip etc but I will say that the geophysical mapping day was my favorite. (I started spelling like an American again) That day we used a device called a side scan which worked almost like an echo sounder which relayed and image back to the boats computer and then printed the image out. Bed forms and cool rocks generally showed up. We later streamed a video in the water and we saw a variety of Sea Stars and a crab and lots of kelp.

At the end of all the boat and lab work we had endless numbers of pages of raw data which we then had to compile onto that dreadful website (which we had approximately 2 days to complete). After that we then had about 2 1/2 days to complete a 6 page (single spaced, A4) fully referenced report of our choosing based on the data we collected. Here is my paper, if you so wish to read what I can accomplish on zero sleep for 2 weeks and more specifically, 2 days.  (I hope that link works).

Anyway, the times that we were not working our little tushies off, we were going out and exploring Falmouth. We also had a 4th of July All "American" BBQ on the beach.

Anyway, that is pretty much it for Falmouth. It was an absolutely amazing experience, and I would do most of it all over again (the paper I could have done without). 


Tuesday 19 July 2011

I wrote this in the airport so be kind,

After spain george and I caught our 1 hour and 20 minute, 7.20 am, flight to Lisbon, Portugal. We arrived promptly at 7.40am.

as soon as we arrived I fell in love. The city was much quieter than madrid and absolutely gorgeous. Most of the buildings were completely covered in decorative tiles. George and I caught the bus from the airport and made our way to the hostel. The Hostel man said that we were too early to check in but we could leave our bags and go explore. Which is what we did. We walked everywhere!! We went to the main Plaza and then wandered about the city and grabbed a cup of coffee. The weather was gorgeous, the sea was gorgeous everything was absolutely perfect. We then decided we wanted to go see this castle, St. George Castle to be precise. We followed all the signs, wandering up all the hills and mountain sides, winding through the tiny little cobblestone roads and alleys till we came across the castle gate. If you had a student ID the price was cut in half, luckily George and I were had such a card :).

It was the best 3.50 euros I have spent. The Castle was absolutely gorgeous and huge. We walked the entirety of the walls, admired the view and wandered the grounds. The story of St George was this (In the words of the Tour guide we were eavesdropping on): Near the village of Lisbon, there lived a dragon, and every few months or year the town would need to gather all the virgins and pick one to sacrifice to the dragon. As long as the dragon had a virgin to eat then it was happy and did not attack the town. One time the girl who was picked was the King’s daughter. He was very upset that his daughter was picked, but the villagers insisted that it was only fair. He was very distraught by this. But one man, George, went to the cave and slew the dragon and saved the princess. The king was so overjoyed that he built George a castle in his honor.

Whether or not a St George ever existed is still up for debate, but personally I would love to believe that there was once a dragon who could taste the difference between virgins and floozies.

Regardless, by the end of our wandering we were getting fairly starving and started to look for somewhere to eat. We started heading back down the hill through some little neighborhoods looking for somewhere authentic. We hit the jackpot. A little local restaurant down an alley where nobody spoke a word of english. Half the menu was hand written, and I am pretty sure the owner lived upstairs. It was perfect. As I know no Portuguese it was a “point and smile” moment. I tried to get something beefy because I kept imaging my friend’s mother’s amazing Brazilian cooking and for some reason thought it would be similar. What we got was not beefy. We got two huge plates of food which we could barely finish + “tapas” of cheese, olives, and bread. One dish was rice with pork and sausage, and the other was fillets of chicken with a delicious sauce on it. The meal overall was very inexpensive for what we got, and to be honest we did not need two dishes.

We wandered around again and ended up going back to the hostel and chatting with the people who were staying in the same room for a while.

The next day George and I ventured to Cascais (pronounced cash-caysh) which will come tomorrow. But as a teaser it is probably the most beautiful little resort/old fisherman town I have ever been to.


Saturday 16 July 2011

Exams are finished, lets go to Madrid!

So, after my three 2 hour exams full of writing and thinking, I am finished! (Well until Monday where I begin my Falmouth adventure)

I packed my backpack and decided to go to madrid for 3 days and Lisbon for 2 and a half days.

Madrid was absolutely insane, food was great, people were everywhere, tour guide was awesome. George was having some issues with spanish culture, and to be completely honest I was a bit as well. Nothing I couldn't get used to of course, but we would generally not go out till like 8pm for drinks and Tapas so that free food would be our dinner and we could go to bed at a normal time and not 4am in the morning like the spanish folk.

Our hostel was absolutely gorgeous. It was owned by the Spanish government as a building of extraordinary artistic history.  It was pretty nice but it had awkward hours because everyone was leaving and entering between 12-4am every day. We also met a Mexican who was traveling to Europe for the first time on his own and he joined us on some of our day trips and such. His name was Fernando-- he was cool.

(Madroño) Berry Shot in a ice cream cone dipped in chocolate

Plaza Mayor
Churros con Chocolate

Free Tapas from El Tigre

Anyway, the first day we just explored the city and stopped by this bar called Madroño. I had heard about these berry shots from some friends who had gone before but it was just by chance that George and I found the one of two places who really do it in Madrid. That evening George and I went for Tapas, and went to this bar called El Tigre, which was 12€ for two very large (possibly Liters) of beer, and with it came a plate of chicken wings, fries in hotsauce, and bread with ham and cheese on it. It was a really fun place, there were absolutely no seats, it was all bar space and it was completely packed. 

The next day we did a free tour of Madrid which was very very good. Click the link if you are interested, they do tours of 13 cities across Europe if you are going soon. 

At Puerta de Sol there was an ongoing protest due to the reelection of the new Governor or Mayor-- I could not hear the tour guide very well. 

 On our last day we went to a huge park and relaxed a bit. There was a giant lake in the middle of it where people could rent paddle boats by the hour. 

We also went to this really good Tapas Bar called El Boñar de León. George and I got two rounds of drinks and with it we got a Spanish omelette, ham and cheese, and a plate of fried sardines which were very good and fun to eat.  It was a fun place that was apparently hit or miss for the quality of the food. 

We also went to see the sunset at the Egyptian temple which was absolutely gorgeous!! 

I hope my abbreviated Madrid visit post is ok since I kinda wrote it in a hurry!!

Lisbon tomorrow!